Ocoee Founders’ Day Festival Guide for First-Timers

Your Guide to Central Florida’s Free Country Music Festival
Central Florida’s favorite free country music festival is celebrating its 25th year, so it is hard to imagine anyone in the area has missed out on all the fun! With rides, food, games, and music, there is something for everyone at the festival. If you are an OFDF newbie, we have all the tips you need to have a blast in November!
Tip #1
Concert Admission is Free, But You Can Get Up Close with Preferred Seating Tickets!
As most diligent Founders’ Day Festival goers know, springing for the preferred seating is worth it! You can find tickets on the website here. The preferred seating section includes the front rows and has folding chairs for your convenience. Enjoy being up close to all the concert action!
You can pick up your preferred seating tickets at Will Call at the Information Booth. Specific seating is first come first served, so arrive early to pick out your favorite seat.
Tip #2
Bring Blankets and Chairs, But No Coolers or Pets
Sorry, but your pets will have to miss out on the Founders’ Day fun. There are no coolers allowed, but with our food vendor area you won’t go hungry!
If you aren’t getting the preferred seating tickets, definitely bring your own blankets and chairs for the concert. While the preferred seating section has chairs, the rest of the concert area does not. Folding camping chairs are welcome. With an amazing Ocoee Founders’ Day Festival lineup like we have this year, you will want to get comfortable and stay all night!
Tip #3
Check Out The Event Map
Most parking is paid parking and will vary from $5 to $10, but there will be some free parking available as well. The festival is organized into sections for the carnival rides, marketplace, food vendors, and concert area. Bring money for the delicious food vendors, as well as the beer garden!
If you’ve attended the Ocoee Founders’ Day Festival previous years you’ll see our festival layout will be bit different this year. Beside our new festival map layout we’ll have plenty of signage in and around the festival, and on the major roadways like highway 50, Clarke and Bluford. The signage will be instructing first-time goers where to park and how get to the festival.
For directions to the festival, navigate to Bill Breeze Park 150 N. Lakeshore Dr. Ocoee, FL, 34761.
Tip #4
Chik-Fil-A Fun Run/Walk Is Family Friendly (And the Kids’ Fun Run is Free!)
A fun way to kick off the weekend is with our 8th annual 5K in partnership with Chik-Fil-A. Everyone is invited to enjoy the beautiful Ocoee sunshine regardless of running experience or ability. A percentage of proceeds from race registration fees will be donated to S.T.A.R.S of West Orange, a nonprofit that supports homeless and disadvantaged students in the area. The Kids’ Fun Run is a free event for kids 10 years old and younger!
Tip #5
Stay for the Fireworks
After the concert ends on Saturday night, we will have a treat for all of our friends. Our fireworks show is a stunning presentation over Bill Breeze Park. Stick around after the concert for a fireworks spectacular at 10:30, sponsored by Raynor Shine!
We know that after this year, you will be a regular Ocoee Founders’ Day Festival enthusiast just like our thousands of fans! We can’t wait to see you on November 2 and 3 to celebrate our 25th year of food, fun, and country music!