Sponsor: Ocoee CRA

We’re so proud to have the Ocoee Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) as one of our amazing sponsors at this year’s Ocoee Founders’ Day Festival! The Ocoee CRA is a unique district, an initiative started on April 18, 2006 by the City Commission to help with the revitalization along the State Road 50 corridor and other major roads around the Ocoee area.
The Ocoee CRA particularly focuses on redevelopment projects that create and support the county’s economic revitalization through the numerous organizational structures.
With their vision being to “create centers of vibrant, urban, mixed use development that ensures enhanced pedestrian and automobile connectivity, flexible land uses, and a diverse economic base,” it’s exciting to see what impact they will have on the lively neighborhood of Ocoee, FL. And with more than $5 million in roadway improvements underway and future lifestyle centers, including the City Center West Orange, in review, it’s clear to see that they are on their way to creating a better future for all residents!